How to Solve a Problem 6: Smallest Common Multiple

 Recently, I came across this question on /r/learnprogramming

Question: 2520 is the smallest number that can be divided by each of the numbers from 1 to 10 without any remainder.What is the smallest positive number that is evenly divisible by all of the numbers from 1 to 20?

Well, how would you write a program to figure this out? 

The answer is not that difficult, but it involves a lot of prime numbers. 

The short version: we can "construct" the number by starting from 1 and work our way up to 20. 

1 is obviously 1

2 is obviously 2

3 however, will be 6, as it needs to be divisible by 2 and 3

4 however, is NOT 24, but 12, 

5 is 60

6 is 60 because 60 is already divisible by 6

7 is 420 

8 is 840 (remember, factors)

9 is 2520

10 is still 2520. 

Do you see a pattern? 

Let's say you need to calculate smallestMultiple of X. 

To get it, you need the PREVIOUS smallestMultiple. i.e. smallestMultiple(X-1). For simplicity, let's call it "prevSM"

If that is divisible by X, then that's the answer. return prevSM

If it's NOT divisible by X, then we need to figure out what factor to multiple it by, and try again. 

But how do we determine what to multiply it by? It depends on what X is. 

If X is a prime number, then we just return prevSM*X because the only factor is itself. 

But if X is NOT a prime number, then we need to try one of the factors making up X. 

Let's take X=8 for example. We know prevSM = 420

8 is NOT a prime number, it has a factor of 2 (multiple times). 

So we multiple prevSM by 2, and test it against 8. testSM=840, which is divisible by 8. So return testSM (which is 840). 

So, any idea how to code this yet? 

Hint: It's a loop. 

Still no clue? Here's my "optimized" version where I put in a few limits. I only do between 1 and 50, and I hardcode 1 and 2. No need to loop for those simple cases. 

The only thing that's slightly mysterious would be divisibleByPrime but that I leave up to you. It's pretty obvious how it works. 

function smallestMultiple(endRangeInt) {
    // input parameter is the end range, i.e. if we want smallest multiple from 1 to 10, we pass in 10
    // for computational limits, we are only accepting 1 through 50
    if (endRangeInt < 1) return 0;
    if (endRangeInt > 50) return 0;
    if (endRangeInt == 1) return 1; // obvious
    if (endRangeInt == 2) return 2;
    // we start from endRangeInt = 3
    let sm = 2;
    for (tCount = 3; tCount <= endRangeInt; tCount++) {
        //for each number in range, we try...
        console.log(`currently sm = ${sm} tCount = ${tCount}`)
        if ((sm % tCount) != 0) {
            // sm not divisible by tCount, but is tCount divisible by a prime?
            console.log(`sm ${sm} is NOT divisible by tCount ${tCount}, checking factors`)
            tdivisor = divisibleByPrime(tCount);
            console.log(`tdivisor = ${tdivisor}`)
            if (tdivisor.length > 0) {
                //we have at least one factor
                sm = sm * tdivisor[0]
                console.log(`sm ${sm} was multiplied by ${tdivisor[0]}`)
                if ((sm % tCount) != 0) {
                    // this factor not enough 
                    console.log("We have a problem, the multiplier is not enough! ERROR!!!!!!!!!!")
                } else {
                    console.log(`sm ${sm} verified as divisible by tCount ${tCount}`)
        } else {
            // sm is divisible by tCount
            console.log(`sm ${sm} is divisible by tCount ${tCount}`)


    return sm

This is the END of the output:

currently sm = 360360 tCount = 15
sm 360360 is divisible by tCount 15
currently sm = 360360 tCount = 16
sm 360360 is NOT divisible by tCount 16, checking factors
divisibleByPrime -- 2 added
tdivisor = 2
sm 720720 was multiplied by 2
sm 720720 verified as divisible by tCount 16
currently sm = 720720 tCount = 17
sm 720720 is NOT divisible by tCount 17, checking factors
divisibleByPrime -- testNum 17 is a prime number, no further test needed
tdivisor = 17
sm 12252240 was multiplied by 17
sm 12252240 verified as divisible by tCount 17
currently sm = 12252240 tCount = 18
sm 12252240 is divisible by tCount 18
currently sm = 12252240 tCount = 19
sm 12252240 is NOT divisible by tCount 19, checking factors
divisibleByPrime -- testNum 19 is a prime number, no further test needed
tdivisor = 19
sm 232792560 was multiplied by 19
sm 232792560 verified as divisible by tCount 19
currently sm = 232792560 tCount = 20
sm 232792560 is divisible by tCount 20

Obviously, not the whole output. And this may fail at the higher numbers. But it will work for up to 20 just fine. 


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